Funding and Fees
We are a charity and where possible charge at or below cost.
We do need to pay our coaches, staff and suppliers in a timely manner, and therefore respectfully ask that class fees and other charges are paid by deadlines.
When available, they are a 50% reduction, or full (100%) reduction of class training fees only, subject to a sponsor and the criteria met by the applicant.
All scholarship students will still need to invest in a membership fee, uniform and competition fees.
Annual fundraising
Artemis is a charity and needs to raise at least £50,000 every year to support students (all students - our fees do not cover our costs - but they do allow as many young people as possible to take part).
Our team members are expected to help fundraise by selling raffle tickets at an annual Christmas showcase, or helping organise or attend special events and parties to help their team mates who are struggling.

Fees & how to pay
Fees are due on or before your first class of term.
Invoices are available in your online account 7 or more days before the start of the new term - you have 24/7 access to your online account through our parent portal when you sign up for a class.
Please note: we DON’T POST invoices. This saves £1000’s a year and the money put towards discounted fees.
Invoices (or a statement if you have prepaid or are on a bursary) will also be sent by email the week of the new term.
A monthly statement is sent out by the system - so even if you are paying in monthly pieces, you can see where you are.
If you start mid way into a term, an invoice will be sent by email after your second try out day and only if you have confirmed acceptance of a place in writing.
If you run into difficulty - please contact the office as soon as possible to avoid fees or chasing emails.
Where possible we will always try to help. Please do not ignore invoices - it may result in your child being removed for their class.
Ways to Pay
We want to make it as easy and painless as possible for you to budget and pay class and other fees. With this in mind we have various options for settling:
Credit/Debit Card payments. To pay by card, please login to your parent account where you can view and pay for your bills.
Full or monthly payment by bank transfer, standing order, Direct Debit, Childcare Vouchers, Tax Free Childcare vouchers (and HAF for holiday workshops).
Spilt payments. You can pay all your fees (membership, uniform, competition and class fees) monthly if it helps. This will start in September and run for 10 months (or fewer if yu started after September). If you choose splitting payments, you are committed to paying in full by the end of the agreement, and not missing a monthly payment as we move through the year. The Charity will have to pre-pay any costs for you or your child and these must be repaid.
Our bank info:
HSBC - Artemis Studios Performing Arts Schools Ltd
Sort: 40-31-05 Acc: 02110385
To pay by childcare vouchers (allow 5 working days to reach us):
EY547126 (most providers)
Edenred: P20655939
Sodexo: provider ID number 817636
Tax Free Childcare - please visit the HMRC site and look up Artemis Studios
If you run into difficulty, please contact the office as soon as possible to avoid fees or chasing emails. finance@artemis-studios.co.uk
Universal Credit: Some parents who claim universal Credit are able to claim up to 80% of their fees back as a childcare cost. We can provide a letter of support for your UC office if they offer this (some do, others don’t).
Childcare Grant Payment Service (through student loans for parents who study full time):
CCG Reference Number CCG3728758
HAF vouchers (Easter, Summer and Christmas workshops only currently). To apply to the Bracknell HAF scheme, if you are on free school meals, please contact the LEA.
Where possible we will always try to help. Please do not ignore invoices - it may result in your child being removed for their class.
Please note – we are unable to accept cash or Paypal due to high bank charges.

Charges for unpaid fees
All invoices have a grace period of one week after term starts or an athletes joins (if mid-term). Fees are due in full, or a split payment arrangement agreed on or by the first day of term or your first class if you join midway into a term. If, by the seventh day after being invoiced you have not made a payment, or contacted the office to arrange split payments, we will need to contact you to chase.
In the first instance: no fee is charged.
On the second week: if no attempt has been made to settle—and you have not emailed or called to let us know what is happening—a charge of £5 will be made. This covers the cost of chasing you and sending additional invoices.
On the third week: another letter will be sent to you and an additional £5 charged.
By the end of week four: if no payment is made and no reply given to requests for payment, we will need to consider removing your student from their class as a last resort.
Please note: we will not be able to offer split payments, unless in exceptional circumstances, to anyone who has not contacted the office to arrange in advance by the second week of term.
If you skip a payment (for example a bounced Direct Debit) and no explanation is received, or you ignore emails/letters concerning this, a £25 charge will be added to your bill for each month the bill remans unpaid.
If at the end of the term or year, a substantial amount remains outstanding, and you have not kept to agreed plans, or ignored all requests for payment, we may have to recover the money in Small Claims Court. This is an absolute last resort. Court fees and interest will be added to your bill.