About Artemis Cheer & Dance
Mission Statement
Our mission at Bracknell Cheer & Dance is to emphasise and teach the importance of safety, discipline, Tumbling, Cheerleading, Dance, Gymnastics, hard work, dedication and loyalty.
Our goal is for you to become amazing athletes but even better people. Most importantly, we focus on learning skills, being a part of a team, and feeling you are in a family environment.
Although one of our aims is to make each team competitive, we really want our athletes to learn lifelong lessons in leadership, teamwork, loyalty, and helping others.
We pride ourselves in promoting the importance of balancing your family lives, school, work and any other hobbies - however; we practice once a week and we are a select sport so commitment is a must for all team members.

Training Philosophy
Artemis Coaches commitments
Foster and model a supportive but challenging learning environment that inspires individuals to reach their full potential.
Offer continuous motivation and personalised feedback to ensure each athlete’s success.
Instil an appreciation for purposeful training and structured programs. “If you work the plan, the plan works.”
Incorporate "outside the box" alternative methods of cross/functional sports training to enhance physical conditioning. “Train, don’t strain.”
Encourage athletes to continually set new goals and expand their "comfort zone".
Maintain organisation and communicate clear, reasonable expectations.
Above all, have fun!
Serving as role models for their teams, setting a positive example.
100% investment in the program.
Being the first to arrive to each practice and the last to leave.
Maintaining organisation, consistency and equity.
Instilling tradition, honour, commitment and pride in the team and in each other.
Building a solid foundation based on trust and loyalty.
Working hard and being supportive to make this an exemplary cheer program and a positive experience for all.
Maintaining the ethos and inclusivity of the Artemis brand.
Undertake CPD often and above and beyond industry requirements

The wider Artemis Family
Artemis Studios Performing Arts Schools
The parent organisation for Artemis and a registered charity. We specialise in Theatre, Cheer and Dance education for ages 3 to adult. Artemis was launched in 2007 with our own town centre studio and training spaces. We left the town centre in 2014 when Bracknell went through a regeneration.
The Studios continue now with award winning training theatre companies for actors aged 4-24, Cheerleading for ages 3-adult, and Hip Hop crews and classes for ages 4-adult.
Artemis College of Performing Arts
Artemis College was launched in January 2018 and offers free government-funded full and part-time performing arts training and qualifications to students aged 16+. Artemis College is based at South Hill Park in Bracknell.
All our tutors and coaches are qualified, and practicing industry specialists (actors, producers, directors, choreographers, writers and technical specialists). Many of our tutors are Artemis graduates who have trained and worked professionally in their field.
We have guest workshop leaders and often have associate companies for a year - this helps us make sure our members work with as many amazing people as possible